
Thursday, August 28, 2014

Laura Comes to Visit!

On her way to Washington for a convention, Laura stopped by! She had 3 friends traveling with her. They only stayed for a day and 2 nights, but it was fun to see them!
Aaron stuck to Laura like glue! He wanted to show her everything! He would grab her hand and drag her around the house to make sure she got to see all of his toys. Hans, Justin, and Max were nice to entertain him as well; especially outside, a place Laura dares not venture...

We had fun playing Battlestar Glactica. Sadly for us humans, the Cylons won... Maybe next time :)
... Frackin' toasters ...
Audrey wasn't so sure about Laura... so Laura tried pulling out her phone.
Aaron came over and asked what she was playing. She replied, "bejeweled." 
He got very excited and exclaimed, "That's one of Papa's favorites!" 
This kid has a crazy good memory! 

Laura received an ALS Ice Bucket Challenge ages ago and still hadn't fulfilled it. She talked about doing it in the morning before she left so we decided to give her a hand and get her while she was sleeping :)
I love how Aaron was too nice to go through with it!
Please come back again! We loved having you!

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

This is How We Play

We love to play upstairs. I sit in the rocking chair and just watch the two of them have a blast in their room. Seriously, so cute.

It's hard to hear, but at the end, Audrey goes to the gate calling for Daddy.
Notice how upset she gets when Aaron again tells her that Daddy isn't home?

Aaron loves to share with Audrey. If he has something she wants, she follows him around saying his name, "Ah-n." It's adorable. The other day, Aaron had a popsicle and having seen the way I share with Audrey, he would bite the popsicle to get a piece in his hand and then give it to her. She was on cloud nine! Today Aaron was outside for a bit eating some "basso-sauce" and Audrey was in the doorway watching. She called out, "Ah-n" and waved. He immediately ran over and gave her a bite from his spoon. He eventually handed her the whole bowl. What a loving brother!

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Aaron's First Family Picture!

Today I sat down with Aaron to try to teach him how to draw people.
This is something I've put off for a long time since I wasn't sure how to teach without curbing his creativity.
I asked my neighbor and she gave me a great suggestion - have him trace it then do his own.
We started with how to draw a face.
Pretty good, huh?
Next we did the family. We drew Daddy together, me helping him hold the crayon and then he traced it again. He then went back because he thought Daddy didn't have pants on and really made sure he had clothes. Then he drew me and himself and Audrey, without me holding the crayon. I'm really proud!
He has since drawn pictures of himself with other people and he seems to love this new way of expressing himself. Way to go Aaron!

Monday, August 25, 2014

ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

Tonight night at dinner, Eric got a text. Attached to the text was a video... of his friend dumping a bucket of ice water on his head and challenging Eric to do the same. 
For those who don't know, it's become an internet phenomenon. You are challenged to donate $100 to the ALS research fund or dump ice water on your head. It's insane. And you have 24 hours to do it.So, Eric did it tonight!We took a total of 3 videos and tried to crop them all together, but one refused, so you'll have to watch them both. Aaron is super supportive!

And incase you're wondering what Audrey is doing inside that playhouse growling...

Sunday, August 24, 2014

How We Survive Church

some weeks at church, our kids are angels...
and other weeks...

really, you just gotta laugh.
These guys are hysterical in their own right. I just hope the people around us can still enjoy the meeting.

Eric was able to take Audrey to Sunday School but when I had her for 3rd hour, she was on the move!
Look at her new trick... 

I keep telling myself...
only 5 more months till nursery...only 5 more months.
it's gonna be a cute, but loooooooooooong 5 months.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

The Prince and the Frog

Yesterday as I was organizing the shed, this little guy jumped out and attacked my face. I barely dodged him.
We kept him over night and I seriously considered going out and purchasing an aquarium and some flies.
However, tenderheart over here was very distraught. He was worried about how the frog would never see his family again! Aaron seriously is so sweet. So we took the frog outside to show the neighbors and then set him free in the wetlands behind our house.

He was jumping everywhere! Including Aaron's shirt - he totally tried to go inside the shirt.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Summer Fun

So, what else have we been up to this summer?
It has gone way too fast ... someone please slow it down!

First - Lots of Splash Pad!

Then, My Uncle Tim, Aunt Heidi and their 5 kids came to visit!

And, play dates with the cousins! Our house and theirs.

Play dates with friends!

 Becoming a master builder!

BIG dandelions!

 Out of town friend visits!

 Twirling and Mama's birthday!

My birthday was a blast. Eric took me shopping in Utah and Ane took me out for lunch with the kids and then took me out for more shopping. She then took the kids home so Eric and I could go see Guardians of the Galaxy and out to dinner at the Cheesecake Factory! What an extraordinary day!

Riding with Daddy (in and out of the driveway before work) and getting stuck...

 Birthday Parties!

Drum Playing

Church selfies at a baby blessing :)
Saying No
Trying to hold hands in the car

And giggling!