
Thursday, August 28, 2014

Laura Comes to Visit!

On her way to Washington for a convention, Laura stopped by! She had 3 friends traveling with her. They only stayed for a day and 2 nights, but it was fun to see them!
Aaron stuck to Laura like glue! He wanted to show her everything! He would grab her hand and drag her around the house to make sure she got to see all of his toys. Hans, Justin, and Max were nice to entertain him as well; especially outside, a place Laura dares not venture...

We had fun playing Battlestar Glactica. Sadly for us humans, the Cylons won... Maybe next time :)
... Frackin' toasters ...
Audrey wasn't so sure about Laura... so Laura tried pulling out her phone.
Aaron came over and asked what she was playing. She replied, "bejeweled." 
He got very excited and exclaimed, "That's one of Papa's favorites!" 
This kid has a crazy good memory! 

Laura received an ALS Ice Bucket Challenge ages ago and still hadn't fulfilled it. She talked about doing it in the morning before she left so we decided to give her a hand and get her while she was sleeping :)
I love how Aaron was too nice to go through with it!
Please come back again! We loved having you!

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