
Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Aaron's First Family Picture!

Today I sat down with Aaron to try to teach him how to draw people.
This is something I've put off for a long time since I wasn't sure how to teach without curbing his creativity.
I asked my neighbor and she gave me a great suggestion - have him trace it then do his own.
We started with how to draw a face.
Pretty good, huh?
Next we did the family. We drew Daddy together, me helping him hold the crayon and then he traced it again. He then went back because he thought Daddy didn't have pants on and really made sure he had clothes. Then he drew me and himself and Audrey, without me holding the crayon. I'm really proud!
He has since drawn pictures of himself with other people and he seems to love this new way of expressing himself. Way to go Aaron!

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