
Monday, August 18, 2014

Summer Fun

So, what else have we been up to this summer?
It has gone way too fast ... someone please slow it down!

First - Lots of Splash Pad!

Then, My Uncle Tim, Aunt Heidi and their 5 kids came to visit!

And, play dates with the cousins! Our house and theirs.

Play dates with friends!

 Becoming a master builder!

BIG dandelions!

 Out of town friend visits!

 Twirling and Mama's birthday!

My birthday was a blast. Eric took me shopping in Utah and Ane took me out for lunch with the kids and then took me out for more shopping. She then took the kids home so Eric and I could go see Guardians of the Galaxy and out to dinner at the Cheesecake Factory! What an extraordinary day!

Riding with Daddy (in and out of the driveway before work) and getting stuck...

 Birthday Parties!

Drum Playing

Church selfies at a baby blessing :)
Saying No
Trying to hold hands in the car

And giggling!

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