
Wednesday, August 27, 2014

This is How We Play

We love to play upstairs. I sit in the rocking chair and just watch the two of them have a blast in their room. Seriously, so cute.

It's hard to hear, but at the end, Audrey goes to the gate calling for Daddy.
Notice how upset she gets when Aaron again tells her that Daddy isn't home?

Aaron loves to share with Audrey. If he has something she wants, she follows him around saying his name, "Ah-n." It's adorable. The other day, Aaron had a popsicle and having seen the way I share with Audrey, he would bite the popsicle to get a piece in his hand and then give it to her. She was on cloud nine! Today Aaron was outside for a bit eating some "basso-sauce" and Audrey was in the doorway watching. She called out, "Ah-n" and waved. He immediately ran over and gave her a bite from his spoon. He eventually handed her the whole bowl. What a loving brother!

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