
Monday, November 21, 2011


I have been doing a bunch of crafts lately but most of them are for the Christmas season so I can't post them yet (it's the principle of the thing...). But I can show you this fun dessert we did!

Eric's friend Zach was rapping with the BYU Synthesis band last Wednesday (they did a parody of Rebecca Black's Friday - how awesome is that!) so we got some friends together and went to the concert. It was a blast!!!

Following the concert we all came back to our house to make minions. :D

Aaron saw the cupcakes and totally twisted around in the bumbo and lunged for them. It was pretty hysterical.

The cupcakes are green because I used left over green sugar from another dessert I made (see the Halloween cake here). They tasted great despite being green. Besides, once they received their blue overalls (the frosting) you could hardly tell!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the pictures!!! That was so much fun!! Thanks for inviting us. And it looks like Zach is a little over dressed.. good thing you explained the concert;)


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