
Monday, November 21, 2011


So, Eric and I decided that we HAD to take Aaron to a BYU football game while we still lived in Provo. After looking on KSL I found tickets for the last home game of the season. We were so excited!!!

Then we learned that the game was at 8:15pm and it was supposed to snow. Then our excitement was channeled into preparation. We had to make sure all 3 of us stayed warm - especially Aaron. If Aaron catches a cold and it doesn't go away before his surgery on Dec. 8 then we have to postpone.

So we bundled up and headed to the game. We had SO much fun!!! It wasn't as cold as we were expecting and Aaron was great. He didn't cry at all and even took a short nap during the game!

 We learned that Eric does not own a beanie... so he borrowed one of mine.

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