
Monday, September 1, 2014

Happy Birthday Ane!

Eric and his Mom share a birthday and it is always so special!
This year, for their birthday, all of the adults went out to dinner at The Melting Pot on Friday night - so fun!
 We also got to go swimming as a family on Saturday!
Sadly, it started raining and in my frantic panic (which was unwarranted) to get Audrey under cover, I dropped my phone in the hot tub... oops
So from here on, I was dependent on other's phones/cameras to take pictures.
 Rachel and Tighe are visiting so they came to our home for some homemade dessert nachos and games on Sunday! 
Today, being a holiday, we all gathered at Eric's parents' home.
I went over early, and together, Amanda and I made this awesome watermelon shark - go ahead, say it's awesome!
Audrey was all about playing in the waterfall pond!
 I'm not sure who this coke belonged to, but she pretty much never put it down...
 Aaron had so much fun playing with Gramma and Grampa and the trains! There was also lots of fun to be had outside with his cousins!
 This year, Eric's mom turns 60 so we did lots of extra special things.
I choreographed a dance for the kids to learn. Amanda, Kelsey and I made skirts and bowties for each of the kids as well as parade sticks.
Here are the kids learning the dance:
 Eric's brother, Tyler, wrote a song for mom. During each chorus, the children danced. During the "verses" each family unit stood and talked to her - saying how much we love her.
Here are the kids all dressed up (and ready for naps). 
 After, there was a pinata. Eric was in charge of raising and lowering it for the kids to hit (or not hit...) Ane enjoyed feeding Audrey chocolate during the pinata session.
 For Mom's birthday gift, I reached out to a friend who does jewelry stamping. 
I designed a bracelet for her to make with charms on it - a charm for each child and spouse.
 I have titled this picture "Gramma, we're coming for you!"
Happy Birthday, Mom! We love you!

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