
Thursday, May 22, 2014


The sun has been out for a few weeks now and I've taken waaaaaaay too many photos.
Here you go ;)
Aaron and Audrey love to copy each other. He tries to do what she does and she tries to do what he does.
Hopefully in the future this means they will inspire each other to be better; then perhaps they'll stop eating sand.

That hat...

Aaron loves to drop rocks down the sewer to "feed the worms" - seriously one of his favorite games.

I traced Aaron on the sidewalk saying, "hold still, almost done." He then decided he wanted to trace me. He said the same thing over and over, "hold still, almost done! Don't move!" ... I think I need to loose weight.

Oh the magic of water in a bowl! Audrey won't move for ages if I place her by a bowl of water.

 Aaron has fun sorting the balls. 

What ... you don't play football using golf clubs?
It is the way Aaron invented the game!

With how much Audrey is also enjoying the pool (Thanks Gramma and Grampa for the pool!), I may have to go out and buy her an actual swimsuit - she loves it!!!

 Aaron loves having his friends over to play!!! I'm so grateful that he has so many friends!

These first ones are of Aaron and Daniel. 

These two were so eager to help me mow the lawn - I hope this is a trend that continues! 

Next comes Aaron and Zach, our neighbor's nephew whom we play with often!

Last is Aaron and Bryce

Dear Sun,
Please don't leave...
A very happy mama!

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