
Monday, May 26, 2014

Memorial Weekend

We feel so blessed to live in a country that is protected. Where we can practice our religion free of fear. Thank you to all those who have given their lives for this freedom.

We started out our weekend with Godzilla and Cold Stone with a live band ... seriously, epic beginning!
I, of course, cried off and on throughout the whole movie... Everytime a child got separated from their parents or a wife worried about her husband - geez. I'm such a boob. It was a great movie though :)

On Sunday, Aaron jumped on Eric's computer, asked us all to buckle up and said he was going to fly us to Utah. Haha. He then opened up Dota and looked around yelling, Tyler? Where are you? (Tyler is the friend Eric plays Dota with the most).

Monday, Eric wanted to go out to breakfast so we headed to Ihop where, once again, they thought he ordered the steak burrito and I ordered the fruit french toast. Seriously, are people trying to make a statement about my figure? ;)

After breakfast we went for a walk and then, per Aaron's request, to the park. He's been begging to go to the park for the last week and we are lucky the weather cooperated!

Afterwards, we came home to get ready for a BBQ with the neighbors! Audrey showed me she is able to get things off the counter (I suspect her brother helped...). Marshmallows are one of her favorites right now. 

We are so lucky to have such great neighbors! More than half the homes on the street participated!

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