
Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Photo Dump

Very rarely does a day go by where I haven't taken at least one photo. They don't have specific occasion, simply the joys of our life... And if I do nothing with them, what good are they? 

Aaron tells a story about tigers and getting married in the temple and playing outside and not falling out the window and eating all the candy which is apparently not funny ;) This kid is a hoot!

 While Eric was playing Dota, Aaron wanted to help! So he pulled out his lightsaber and attacked!

Aaron loves using tools to help Daddy build! But building is tiring work for sure!

 We still have the missionaries over all the time. We did peep jousting for one of our after dinner activities.

This was Aaron the day we fixed the playroom window ;)

 Work had their incentive trip this last month and we a bunch of people over who aren't in sales and therefore don't go on the trip. One just had a baby and Aaron fell in love!
 When asked if he wanted another sibling, Aaron replied, "Not right now. I have Audrey. Maybe later."

Aaron strapped himself into his carseat in the house... I'm not complaining!
Audrey is always playing the drums or hunting for technology - just like her brother!

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