
Sunday, July 14, 2013

Fun Times With Aaron

Knowing that time alone with Aaron will be hard to come by in the future, we have been spoiling him ... letting him stay up late watching movies with us and eating popcorn, making fun little trips, giving him random treats ... pretty much all of it has been Daddy's idea, and they are both loving it!

The other day we went to hang out with Eric's brother Jon, and Aaron was so tired he fell asleep on both of us!

Here are a few other fun photos from Aaron spending extra time with Mama and Daddy:

  He LOVES playing games with Daddy! He has recently come to love FEZ (he loves to run his character off the edge of the world over and over giggling) and a game called Flower where you tilt the controller to move around. It took Aaron about a minute to understand Eric's commands of up, down, left, and right. I tested him later, after a nap to see if he remembered and got it on camera.

... he did!

We also went to the water park! He loves the one near Gramma's house because the water doesn't shoot up as high as it does in Beaverton. We picked up a pizza and ate it in the car on the way!

He came to us because he got wet and wanted his shirt off - because it was wet. We said ok and took it off. He then wanted his shorts off ... we decided to not do that one ;) Even though we had the park to ourselves.

We had garlic bread for lunch yesterday and Aaron wanted to eat the butter and garlic off the bread... now we know what he would look like with a 5 o'clock shadow

 And tonight ... Eric and Aaron made Oreo Blizzards - mmmmmmmmmmm

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