
Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Still Pregnant...

Well ... almost a week over due based on the timeline due date, and still pregnant ... I have spent the last 4 weeks trying everything short of ingesting herbs/oils to get this little girl to come out - clearly she is stubborn and does not want to come out yet; seeing as, by all accounts, I should most definitely not be pregnant anymore.

I'm not the only anxious one though! This cute little guy will sit and stare into the bassinet for ages. He also comes up to me and asks if his, "sister in there," meaning my tummy. When I tell him yes, he presses his face close to my tummy and says, "hello! come out!" haha, he is totally ready to be a big brother!

But today, I am taking a break from trying to have a baby and attempting to find positive things about my current situation - after all, if she is trying my patience, perhaps the moment I give in, she'll change her mind, just like a certain other child of mine. So here I am, writing a blog post on my phone from the bathtub (TMI? Well, at least I didn't give you a photo to go with it!) trying to imagine positive things. Here is what I have come up with:

 1. Shameless eating. Don't get me wrong, I eat my fair share of fruits and veggies, but there is no shame in binge eating while pregnant. This morning, I locked myself in the office and ate candy bar after candy bar (ones Eric brought home for me on Friday since I was having a bad day). It was delightful! And about a week ago, I asked Eric to go on his first ever midnight craving run (It helps that he was already out with his brothers so it isn't like I asked him to get up in the middle of the night to get me food, which he would totally do, but I would feel bad asking) - I called him and asked for 2 burgers and a large fry. Really ... when you're pregnant, eating these is totally allowed. In fact, I am picking Eric up from work today and I just might request my "thank you" be in the form of french fries.

 2. Having others get things for you. When I finally find a comfortable position (which is beyond difficult these days) I have an excuse to NEVER move again! Never, ever. Aaron is great at getting me things that he can reach and finding clever ways to reach things that normally he can't, all in the name of helping Mama!

3. Naps. Normally, when Aaron naps, I try to use the time to get things done that are normally difficult with him awake - but right now, my body is spending energy turning food into a human. I think that warrants me getting a nap too! In fact, that is where I am headed next, to nap and relax.

I am still hoping this cutie comes out soon, but for now, I will do my best to try and enjoy the time I have left being pregnant (which had better be short...)

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