
Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Daily Routine

Since our daily routine is going to be turned on it's head any day now, I thought I'd document how Aaron and I spend our days together!
When we wake up, we go downstairs for breakfast. For the past while, breakfast is yogurt, and Aaron loves it!
After breakfast, Aaron goes outside to play while I empty the dishwasher, making it easy to do dishes during the day.
When I join him, we work on shapes and colors outside. He is getting quite good. Wanna see?
Pretty Amazing, huh?
After outside, we will go inside to play. Aaron loves to color, play cars, and play the lace game (with the shoe laces and the holes...)

When it is time for a nap, Aaron loves to read a book.
During his nap, I will often do miscellaneous house work (which there very rarely is any, it is so nice that everything has a place here so it rarely gets messy!) or craft. Today, I showered and napped :)

When it comes time for me to do my hair and make-up, Aaron enjoys sitting on my bed watching a show on my phone. Today, I did my hair and make-up after his nap. He chose to watch "trains" which is Thomas the Tank Engine.
We also love playing in the playroom. Sometimes, Aaron plays alone but most times, he enjoys having me there with him.

When Daddy gets home, we crank up some music! Daddy plays drums while Aaron and I dance. After Aaron is done dancing, he likes to play with Daddy.

Bedtime is a blast! Aaron loves to have tons of excitement when we go to bed.
Daddy always does the teeth brushing. Aaron gets a turn first, then Daddy.

After the actual brushing, Aaron lays on his side and puts his face in the water to rinse out the toothpaste. He thinks it is hysterical.

After changing into PJ's, Aaron reads scriptures with Daddy. He repeats everything Daddy reads. Then we say prayers. I know the photo is blurry, but I wanted to show you where Aaron prays. Every night, he wants to be right next to Daddy in that corner. :) He then climbs over the foot-board, grabs his cars and then gives us each kisses. We kiss him back and then kiss each other. Aaron then informs us what song he wants to sing and we all sing it together. Tonight was Jesus Wants Me For A Sunbeam. It is one of his favorites.
 I love this little guy and I am soooooooooo lucky to be able to spend my days with him. I know he will love having things switch up and include his little sister!

1 comment:

  1. oh my goodness this is beautiful...thank you for sharing!
    Aaron has wonderful parents.

    have a great day and congrats on the new little bun coming any day now!

    much love.


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