
Friday, February 15, 2013

Valentines' Celebration

I love Valentines' Day. I really do... It isn't that Eric and I aren't affectionate every other day of the year. It isn't that Eric doesn't surprise me with fun random gifts. It isn't that we need a day to celebrate our love, but boy is it fun to have one!

I started out the day taking some fun photos of Aaron. I love having a chance to dress him up!
Will you be his Valentine?
 This one is my absolute favorite!!!

In the evening, I made our traditional Chicken Parmasean dinner and Aaron graciously hid in his room while we ate. (I promise he had fun playing with his toys in there) Aaron has always gotten jealous when Eric kisses or hugs me (He doesn't like to share... at all) and so Valentines' Day in particular upset him.  We wanted to take some photos and before we were allowed, we had to take some with Aaron, haha.

Isn't this one funny?  He wanted in the picture but suddenly he wasn't happy about it...

Then we got to take some of us

We had fun exchanging our gifts - Eric got me a sleeping mask to help with my migraines and he came in looking like a stud, with these :)
A little while ago, Eric showed me some fun headphones that he fancied. But seeing as he had just gotten a headset and gotten me one as well, a third didn't make sense. Well, they were awfully cool... so I decided to turn my headset into the one that he liked for a gift. I also got him a board game expansion. When we crawled in bed, Eric offered me a bedtime snack, of CHOCOLATES! yum!

Friday evening, we had a date planned. We dropped off Aaron at our friends' and drove to Bridgeport Village. We walked around a few shops, read love poems in Barnes & Nobel **note - they are more entertaining than they are lovey dovey** and had dinner at PF Changs. After dinner, we had received word that Aaron wasn't doing so well (he has become very attached to me and still has a sensitive gag reflex that causes him to throw up when he gets upset) so we cut our date short and stopped by Burgerville for shakes on our way to pick him up. Suddenly, I turned to Eric and said sadly that we hadn't taken any photos! He then pulled out his phone and I expected him to allow us to take some photos, but instead he showed me some "stalker" photos he had taken of me while in one of the shops.

After he showed me, we took some of our own there in the car. Surprisingly, we were so in sync that we made the same faces at the same time...

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