
Sunday, February 3, 2013

This Is How We Superbowl


  • I secretly wished I would get invited to a superbowl party so that I could make some fun food...
  • I did not get invited to a party so we turned on the superbowl simply so we could fit in with the rest of America
  • This was my first pro game that I have ever watched and as such, my first superbowl
  • Half-time was more of a peek into a stripper club than a show
  • Aaron really likes to watch football
The day was quite an adventure. It started with us going to the baby blessing of my niece, Annie. When we got there, Mark & Ane pulled up right after us. Once Aaron saw them, he couldn't wait to get out of the carseat... Like, literally couldn't wait. He practically dove out and got very angry when he realized he was stuck...

After the blessing, like I said earlier, we turned on the game to simply fit in with society... And we did laundry. Eric thought this was hysterical, took a picture and requested I post about it:
The good thing about having to use a laundry facility, you can do 7 loads at once...
The bad thing is that sometimes you don't have the energy to finish... I totally curled up and fell asleep before we finished folding all the clothes.

Eric and Aaron played hockey on his phone during the game - we were obviously very interested...

After climbing out of his crib 6 times when we put him down for a nap, we had to convert Aaron's crib to a bed...
This is where he actually slept... cute kid 

After his nap, we learned just how into football Aaron is...

Neither Eric nor I was yelling at the TV... we were hardly watching, but apparently football is in Aaron's blood (Eric was a football player in Middle/High School) because he knew exactly what to do when watching football - yell at the TV...

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