
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Funny Story

Before I can tell you the funny story I need to give you a few background details:

  1. One of our New Year's Resolutions was to have Aaron help us clean his room every night before bed. We did good for an entire month, but then ...
  2. We had an offer accepted on a house! We close in less than 30 days (it was 45 when we were accepted) and we are SO excited! 
  3. We are trunky. Me more than Eric... I've reached a point where I struggle to have the desire to clean Aaron's room because, well, we're moving! Why put it away when I'm just going to have to pack it... (I know, we have a ton of time left and this is a terrible way of thinking)
So, on to the funny story...

Lightning McQueen has been missing for a few days. Literally, days. Eric and I have searched everywhere for this guy!!! All of Aaron's known hiding places, under everything, everywhere... but we haven't been able to find him. Everytime we ask Aaron where he is, he replies, "I don't know" and shrugs his innocent little shoulders.

Finally, I began to run out of distractions... Aaron, "Lightning?" Me, "Look at the lights!" seriously, that is what it had come down to, and he just wasn't being distracted anymore. This could only mean one thing ... I had to clean Aaron's room. I had to find that stupid amazing little car.

So today, I finally buckled down and cleaned his room... and after getting everything off the floor, I decided I might as well vacuum. While I was vacuuming, Aaron comes running to me screaming, "LIGHTNING!" Ready to disappoint him, I turn and see him with Lightning McQueen in his hand... WHAT THE HECK? I asked Aaron where he got him and he shrugged his innocent little shoulders and said, "I don't know." 

Good grief...

So, since my cleaning was completely pointless, I am going to post pictures of his room so I can take pride in having cleaned it ... o_O

We got Aaron a new bed, as you can see. He kept falling out of the crib and we need to give him time to get used to a new bed before the new baby comes and steals the crib... We got a twin size comforter since there isn't a toddler size that comes on it's own - it is expensive and comes with a bunch of stuff I don't need... *sigh* But this one will carry through to the next bed at least :)
I guess it wasn't all for nothing ... Aaron absolutely loves playing in his room now!!! And he loves to just lie in the stuffed animals. So cute - laying there in his PJ's!

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