
Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas!

What a great holiday! It has been wonderful having Eric home all the time!
We've spent the past several days with my family and we plan to spend one or two more before going back the the craziness that is our house. :D

Christmas Eve was a blast!

My Dad dressed up as Santa Clause for Aaron. I think he knew it was my Dad because he looked so confused and yet at ease. He grabbed onto the beard and didn't let go the whole time my Dad held him.

 Then we read Santa Mouse and the Rat Deer a family tradition though having Santa read it was a new addition. :D

We took pictures with Santa - a happy picture and then one where we were all supposed to do evil glares...

After Santa left we opened our Christmas Eve gifts

Aaron got some new bibs and Eric and I got Incan Gold!

Christmas morning we went to church at 11 for an hour and then came home to open presents.

Thanks to everyone for the wonderful gifts we received! Special mentions:
My parents for the laminator, Eric's parents/my parents for the surround sound system, my parents for the dino music thing, Eric's parents for the animal train, and also for the kitchen aid mixer!

Also thanks to Eric for all of my wonderful gifts!!!

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