
Friday, December 30, 2011

Moving Part 2

We've moved! Thanks to all those who helped out! We are now in Oregon.

I didn't take pictures of the craziness that was our house before we loaded the cars... nor did I take any while we were on the road because I drove a lot of the time... but I took some of our rest stops!

The first stop was in Idaho where we visited some family friends. Aaron was excited to get some tummy time after being cooped up in the car for so long! (He really was a trooper... he did great!)

Then we drove through the mountains into Oregon to stay ahead of the scheduled snow storm. At the hotel, Aaron again enjoyed his tummy time ... He has managed a crawl/scoot and so we couldn't leave him on the bed alone even for a second because he moves so fast!

And now we are in our home. It is crazy - Eric said he had to take pictures of it so ... here are the pictures he took.

Me in our bedroom asking Eric why he was taking pictures

Our living room

Our Kitchen

Aaron's room/my craft room

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