
Sunday, December 18, 2011

A Call For Pictures -- A Plea For Help

When I started this blog, it was because I heard my sister-in-laws kept blogs and because I had down time at work. I had no idea it would become so crucial later.

I started posting and realized that I post more than most people ... in fact I post more than some blogs who get paid to post. I didn't want to overwhelm those who "follow" my blog so I tried to keep things to a minimum; post enough pictures and words to tell the story and just that.

Well, this past week we wiped our hard-drive. We got a nasty virus on our computer and the wipe would not only clear the virus but also help the computer run better. We did a back up of all the important things before we wiped it. At one point, Eric was telling me that it didn't look like all the pictures were copied over. He read a few folders to me and it sounded like they were all there. If only I had actually glanced at the computer ... instead I was doing something so unimportant at the time that I can't even remember what it was.

We wiped the drive and I went to "personalize" our computer to realize that the only pictures from this year that made it over were the ones from April and August ... the rest were gone. Somehow, the copy process had been interrupted and in alphabetical order it only got 2 files. All the other 10 months were gone.

I am so thankful for this blog. I can go through and download the pictures I uploaded. I uploaded many videos to youtube that I think I can download as well...

But I didn't post everything - that's why I need your help. Please, if you have taken any pictures of my little family this year or have any copies that I sent to you, please email them to me or put them in a dropbox folder and send me a link. Help me fill in the blanks from this year so that when Aaron wants to look back when he gets older, he has photos to see.


  1. oh no i am so sorry!!!!!! Do you still have the maternity cd? or would you like me to send you some of those pictures?

  2. Janey, I don't think we have the CD so if you could send me some of them, that would be great!


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