
Friday, December 16, 2011

The Naked Wonder

There are three things that make Aaron the happiest camper you'll ever meet. They are
  • Daddy
  • Being on his tummy
  • Being naked (If he's fussy, generally, all you have to do is pull his pants off and he's infinitely happier)
Combine those three in any combination and you'll get bigger smiles than you can ever get on your own.

Since his surgery, we've had to put Aaron on his back more so he doesn't rub his face into the ground too much. So ... less than a week after his surgery he learned to fluidly roll from his back to his tummy (he's good at going from the tummy to the back too, but usually it's an accident... he's been doing it for months and it is still quite common for him to look surprised after rolling).

Last night, I wish I'd had my camera ready... Aaron loves getting his diaper changed but he loves it the most when Daddy does the changing. We were at my parents' house and Aaron needed a diaper change. Since my parents hadn't seen how happy he gets when Eric changes him, we asked Eric to do the honors. After the initial changing was done, Eric was closing up the dirty diaper and preparing to put on the clean one when all of a sudden, Aaron rolled onto his tummy and got up on all fours. He then started to try and crawl away, naked butt and all. He has figured out how to get up on his hands and knees, rock for a bit, move his legs forward (alternating each leg) and then propel himself forward only to get back up and do it again - heaven help me when he learns to move his hands with his legs... So he didn't get very far but man was he excited to be playing with Daddy, on his tummy, and naked.

I don't think I've laughed so hard in a long time... I'll be ready with my camera next time just in case. :D

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