
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Rolling, Rolling, Rolling!

Aaron rolled over today! He's done it before but I've always prepped him to roll... this time, I laid him on the couch for a nap. He'd fallen asleep on me and the coffee table was positioned in such a way that I couldn't get to the crib. He slowly woke up and I sat in the rocking chair and was watching the"I'm A Mormon" video featuring Brandon Flowers, the lead singer for The Killers.

I looked over at Aaron and he was on his back! I had laid him on his stomach for his nap!

I rolled him back to his stomach and went for the camera. By the time I got to him again he'd rolled back onto his back!

So I sat beside him for a good 15 minutes waiting for him to do it again, camera recording... but he decided he didn't want to again. He was too interested in looking at the camera.

So I retreated to the rocking chair to video tape from afar and got 15 more minutes of footage consisting of him staring at his hands...

Finally, he decided to roll over! Don't worry, I cropped the footage to only give you the climax. ;)

My mother informed me that my older sister learned to crawl at 4 months and that I came out of the womb knowing how to roll over. I am SO glad Aaron is slower than that. The Lord made certain creatures come out knowing how to walk (take deer for example)... can you imagine if our children knew that stuff? I'd go CRAZY! As it is, I laid him on the floor and caught him lifting his hips in the air and scooting! What am I supposed to do now???
Soon he's going to be driving a car!!!  (Or in this case... the Trolley from Chuck-e Cheese)

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