
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

I Hate Shopping...

I think I'm a hermit... really, I do. I find that I don't like to leave my house. Once I'm out, I'm fine, but getting up the gumption to go is often hard.

This does not apply to shopping (food shopping... not clothes shopping. I like that kind). Even once I get out, I'm not fine. I hate going to the grocery store. I have no idea why... Especially if it's raining. (I know, once I move to Oregon, I'm doomed.) There is something about running to your car in the rain with a cart full of now wet groceries and a wet baby. Ugh.

Today I had to go shopping for food. I've put it off for over a week claiming to be doing a "clean out the cabinet" stint. But I really needed to go. I planned to only go to Smiths, but they didn't have my Lactose medicine. (I was also looking for a funnel but they didn't have that either.)

The store with my medicine was Shopko so I thought I'd do my Costco shopping too since they are close by. So I finish with Costco and go to Shopko to find that they don't carry the medicine anymore, I had to go to Walgreens. After I leave it occurred to me that Shopko would have had a funnel for me but I didn't want to go back - I can continue to survive funnel-less.

So I get to Walgreens where it does occur to me to look for a funnel and they don't have one. But they had my medicine. Yay.

Then I was going to go to the craft store to get supplies for Christmas presents but I forgot my coupon (dang, the one store I would have enjoyed going into).

I finally am home and am putting away the groceries and realized that one of the main things I went to Costco for, I had forgotten... FORMULA! So, I tried to put Aaron back in his car seat which REALLY didn't work - he got VERY mad at me... so, since I knew my mother was out and about, I called her and asked her to get it. Childish, I know - but THANKS MOM!!!

1 comment:

  1. Thank heavens for mamas!

    Thanks so much for *finally* becoming a follower. ;) hehe I'm following you too now! Love your family pics!


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