
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Family Home Evening

Eric had a very cool lesson for FHE last night. He read an entry from his journal and then handed me a post-it note. He asked me to write down all the things that are white in the world and I had 30 seconds. For some reason I couldn't think of many things. Then he said to only write things that can be found in the fridge and suddenly my pen started flying. He then paraphrased Mother Teresa when she said that when she looks at the masses she doesn't know how to help, but when she looks at an individual, she knows how to help. he talked about focusing our efforts so that we can get more done. 

I saw these cute things on the Roberts Arts and Crafts Blog and just had to make them! But then I thought... perhaps Eric would like to make one too!  So for our FHE activity tonight, we made candy baskets together.

Eric made the adorable spooky Vampire and the Spider is mine. :D

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