
Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Thank You Random Stranger

It's amazing how even when you're having a great day, someone you don't even know can come along and make it better.

I slept poorly last night even though Aaron slept for about 8 hours. He started screaming in his sleep this morning (it sounded like a terrified shriek...) which sent Eric and I both running to the living room to see what was wrong. He simply needed a pat on the back. Just incase he woke up, Eric and I curled up on the couch - and slept in. :D

Then, after Eric left for class, Aaron and I just chilled. He was in a super terrific mood and was all smiles.

I went to check my email and found my sister wanted my opinion about a hair cut she is getting. I love when people ask my opinion!

I chatted with Lissa and she said Eric, Aaron and I could come over to play games with her and her husband Kenny tonight - super excited!

Eric left his Xoom at home so Aaron and I went to visit him on campus. It was great to see Eric.

Aaron got lots of compliments. I know my baby is cute, but it is still nice to hear it from others.

So - even on top of ALL that, my day was made even better. I was at Office Depot getting supplies for my Dad's birthday present and I had been lugging Aaron around in his carseat. I hadn't planned to be in the store long but I'm kinda blind and it took forever to find what I was looking for. I finally found what I was there for and went to go check out and couldn't find the entrance to the check out line ... hmmmmm ... so I had to squeeze to the back of the line from the front (of course once I got to the back of the line I saw the entrance - very poorly designed). Now, I wasn't frustrated but I was definitely tired from carrying around the carseat and a sleeping baby (yes, I know... I lack arm muscles). There were people at the checkout stands and in line was just me and another gentleman. When a spot opened up, the gentleman turned to me and offered to let me go ahead of him. I asked if he was sure and he said with a smile "Yes, I don't have things to carry..." He then proceeded to move a cart out of the way so I could scoot past him (again) to go check out.

Thank you random stranger for making my day even better.

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