
Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Toilet Paper and Trash Bag Boxes!!!

I love my little house - I don't want anyone to get the wrong impression. But let's be honest... it's small, over crowded, and ugly. The fact that I'm not a great decorator doesn't help and the fact that we're trying to shove 3 people in the house doesn't help either... And the fact that we are so close to moving that I could make a paper chain makes me trunky... ready to be done with this house.

But, we're here for a little while longer so I decided to spruce up the bathroom... I do not like our bathroom, it is my least favorite room in the house. So I figured if anything needed some love, it was the bathroom.

So, since we are only here for a little longer, I wanted some cheap (free if possible) decorations. When I can really decorate the bathroom, I want an ocean theme, but for now it's simply blue.

I got this idea from my sister-in-law Amanda. Can you guess what the flowers are made of??? Toilet paper rolls!!! (I didn't have any saved up so I went and stole the middles from 4 unused toilet paper rolls... when I told Eric that I did that he imagined big piles of toilet paper lying everywhere. Lucky for him I simply squished them and pulled them out, leaving the roll in tact.)

Guess what the "vines" are... they're cardboard from the box that our trash bags came in. (Eric looked shocked when I told him and then he was concerned that we were out of trash bags so soon... when I informed him that the bags were still there, just in the drawer he rolled his eyes...)

Yes, they are held up with tape and thumb tacks... but like I said, this is a temporary solution to try and help me like my bathroom a little bit more. Besides... it was free!

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