
Monday, September 12, 2011

Moving - Part 1

Moving is so close, I can taste it!

What? You didn't know we are moving? Well, here's the story... While we were in Oregon, Eric's dad approached him, suggesting that it would be advantageous for Eric to came out to Oregon sooner. So Eric rearranged his schedule (20.5 credits this semester) and we are moving out to Oregon around New Years.  The actual date is still up in the air, but our landlord has said we have to be out a few days before the new semester starts to make it easier for the people moving in. We are flying out at Thanksgiving, for Thanksgiving, and also to look at apartments and furniture so that we will be all set in December/January!

Eric and I have been talking about how to move... We have arrived at the conclusion of selling all of our furniture (minus the crib and rocking chair that I love) and shoving what we can into our 2 cars plus possibly his parents' van. This means we go through everything and figure out what we actually want to take with us...

This past Friday, we went through our shed. We went through every bin and took pictures of things we thought we could sell, bagged up things to take back to my parents (lawn equipment, etc.), placed things in a DI pile, and then reorganized; packing things in bins as tight as possible.

I made this bunny and dress in 8th grade.
I decided it wasn't something I wanted to take with us (gave it to the fam)
so Eric asked if he could take a picture of it.

My old roommate painted faces on our clocks...

Aaron was a trooper through all of this. :D

1 comment:

  1. Yay!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited!!! You are brave to sell everything. Does that include you bed too?


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