
Thursday, July 14, 2011

What Do YOU Think???

We're stuck in the middle. Many people think Aaron looks more like me and others think he looks more like Eric. So, here are some baby pictures of the 3 of us... What do you think?

Also, I thought I'd share some fun pee stories...

Last night we gave Aaron a bath and we should have known something was amiss when he didn't cry, at all. After we rinsed him off he decided to let it go! The poor guy hit himself square in the face... Being the terrible mother that I am, I said "Well, at least he was aiming at himself," which was totally tempting fate. This morning I laid him on my chest for a nap and his pee stream completely missed his diaper somehow and sprayed all over me, the bed, the sheets, etc. I was surprised and gave a loud squawk which sent Eric into action.  After all the excitement, Aaron calmed down quickly. He did it again later while I was burping him lying on his tummy in my lap. That is when I made a list of things to be thankful for:
1. Pee is warm
2. Jeans are ultra absorbant
3. He'll be potty trained in 2 years...

1 comment:

  1. From that pic, I'm going to say he looks more like you! Lol, love the stories (can I just say I'm happy that girls are much less adept at getting around diapers when it comes to peeing?)! Just be careful not to tempt fate by stating that he'll be potty trained in two years... you'll end up with a stubborn child who refuses to potty train till he's four!


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