
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Introducing Aaron Kent Hornibrook

Let me just tell you that I hope to be induced with all of my children! Labor was so easy. It lasted a total of 6 hours and as far as pushing went, he came out on the 4th contraction -  10 minutes. I even took a nap after I got my epidural put in. We were required to stay in the hospital for 24 hours after he was born but once that time was up we headed home. He was the picture of health as was his mom.

Here are his stats:

Date:         7/7/11
Time:        6:04pm
Weight:     7lbs 5 oz
Length:     19.5"

These pictures are from in the hospital:

A few favorite quotes from people visiting once we brought him home:
Lani Wilkinson (to her son Brian): Don't flash the baby.
Anna Wilkinson (after attending a Harry Potter party): There's a little baby in there. Me: No, that's just fat. Anna: Yes there is, I can see him with my sight. (I sense a bit of Trelawny in her)
Kenzie Wilkinson: You weren't that huge (referencing my pre-birth size) Julie Wilkinson: Oh yes she was!

Look how long he is!
Proud Grandpa
Food coma... :)

Look how TINY he looks in Eric's arms

Getting some time in the sun.

Here are 2 fun videos of his tricks: Snorting and lifting his head. We are so proud :)

1 comment:

  1. Congrats!! He is so cute! I'm so glad to hear that everything went well. Enjoy this time because they get big really fast! :-)

    Todd and Christianne


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