
Monday, July 25, 2011

2 Week Aaron

Aaron had his 2 week appointment this week and had some pretty fun stats!

                                         Now                               Birth
Height:                             21"                                 19.5"
Weight:                            7lbs. 13oz                       7lbs. 5oz

They also measured his head circumference at 13". He is in the 50th percentile for his weight, 75th for his height, and 15th for his head circumference... :D

I have kind of been ridiculous with my picture taking but I will try to post only the best ones...

  Watching TV with Mom - Psych, of course!

Napping with Daddy

Eric's mom came out for a visit and we went on a picnic

Napping with Daddy again, SO cute!

We gave him a bath and after the bath he was shivering... 
no blankets in sight, but I did have my robe!

When he gets hungry, he prefers a finger to a pacifier 

Eric's dad came in town for the blessing

...I think Noah is afraid of babies...


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