
Sunday, July 31, 2011

A Trip to Lagoon!

This year for my  Dad's work party we were able to go to Lagoon again! We had so much fun!
 Here we are waiting to go into the park

 One of my favorite rides is called the Space Scrambler. 
When I was younger I named it the "Garbage Can"... not sure why.
 Keep an eye out for more "angry" pictures of Thomas... they are his favorite.

This is the contraption my Dad rigged so we didn't have to carry anything!
We had plenty of drinks all day long.

Anna's favorite ride was the Tilt-a-Whirl

Bumper Cars!

Really? Who would want to sit on this fence???

Eric and I decided we needed a break from riding rides.
After feeding Aaron, Eric decided he wanted to lie down for a little while.

Just before dinner.
Thomas was worried about feeding Aaron, but he did a great job!

These crazy kids decided to get in the water at 9pm!

 I should have followed my parents to the Merry-Go-Round...
I would have been more dry that way. 
Go to the bottom to see the video of Eric and I getting thrown in the water.

1 comment:

  1. it is funny at the end of the lagoon movie you can see me and Kenny in the middle kind of bent down because Kenny had lost his glasses from water shooting up and smacking him in the face... ^-^ We found them though...


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