
Saturday, June 25, 2011

Our First Year

I can't believe that Eric and I have been married for a full year now! How crazy is that??? If you had asked me a year ago if I thought I would be about to have a baby at our 1 year mark I would have said no way! I was very adamant that we were not going to have children until Eric was out of school... but it didn't take long after we got married for me to change my mind.

Because our anniversary is on a Sunday we decided to do the majority of the celebrating on Saturday. I was treated like a queen... Eric did so many things to make me feel special. He really went all out. First, he let me sleep in then brought me breakfast in bed.

He had cleaned up the kitchen and put up decorations as well!

He got me a beautiful glass rose which was special to me because that's what my Dad did for my mom on their anniversary. I mentioned it a long while ago and I talked about how special I thought it was. Eric decided then that he wanted to do the same for me.

He also got me  a food chopper to make chopping vegetables easier!

For my gift to Eric, I made him a plaque to celebrate the year we got married. This was a project that I was very excited about and I am glad it worked.

We played games in the afternoon and then went out to my new favorite restaurant, the Thai Kitchen. We discovered this restaurant during our first year of marriage.

 After our early dinner we went to see a movie and then grabbed some more food to take with us to go star gazing. We went star gazing for our first date in October of 2009.  While we were up there we sat and talked about our marriage. We reflected on our first date, the first time he gave me flowers, the night he proposed, and our favorite memories that we had made together. As we talked I couldn't help but think, this can't be me. I can't be this lucky - I can't be this happy. I felt like I was taking a glimpse into someone else's life - someone who had a perfect life. We had Eric's Xoom with us so he started playing music and asked me to dance. He has a way of making me feel so special, of letting me know that I am the most important thing in his life. I love him so much and honestly cannot imagine my life without him.

I thought I would conclude this post with a music video of "our song." The song is titled Beautiful and it is performed by Jim Brickman and Wayne Brady. The story behind this song is simple. I have never considered myself to be pretty and the first time Eric told me that I was beautiful I was actually slightly annoyed. I thought he was just trying to be nice, or felt that he was supposed to say things like that. It took a long time but eventually I came to believe him - believe that he truly thought I was beautiful. It took me a while to understand that he wasn't my boyfriend because he felt obligated or guilty, but that he truly was attracted to me and that he truly loved me. So for us, this song is special because it marks the time that we accepted that we loved each other, and that we were loved back.

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