
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

I Made a HUGE Mistake

I climbed on the scale this morning...

Why, why did I do that? I mean, I realize that I am gaining weight and that it is for a good cause. But everytime I climb on the scale I always get depressed. I even make sure to climb on the scale first thing in the morning so that I weigh the least...

Before I got pregnant, I wore a ring size of 4.5, a pants size of 0, and a dress size of 2. Now, my ring size is a 6, and luckily I can't measure the other sizes... I went from being 105lbs to now 139.5lbs. YIKES!

It's not like I worked to have that size... I'm just lucky to have small parents. So I'm not trying to brag, I'm simply stating a fact. I had small bones, small feet, small boobs, small everything. Now, once I am done being pregnant, I am going to have to work to get my size back - which, from what I hear may never happen...

Am I depressed about this? Yes. Should I be? Probably not, all things considered... I'm going to get a kid out of it.
A kid that I am SUPER excited to meet. I have a friend who is due a bit before me and her blog mentioned that she is content to stay pregnant and let her little guy cook... maybe I'm just selfish but I'm ready for him to pop out! I want to meet him and hold him and move on to the next stage. I'm almost full term (37 weeks) and getting "trunky." I'm doing all the things I'm supposed to so that my body is ready (walking, drinking water, etc.) but I can't force him to come out early... that's not exactly possible without a doctor's help (or drastic measures like castor oil - blech!). He'll come when he's ready, but if he'd like to be ready sooner rather than later, I wouldn't mind. ;)


  1. Do yourself a favor and don't step on a scale for another 3 or 4 months. Give your body some time to revert back on it's own. My favorite is when one day I look at my feet and I see the tendons in my feet.

  2. I keep hearing that nursing does do wonders for your figure and helping to decrease baby weight quickly. Hope it is true for both of us. Love you!

  3. breast feeding does often help you lose "baby weight"
    Also gaining between 20 and 40 lbs during a pregnancy is totally normal. Women who start smaller actually are supposed to gain more weight than an average/overweight person.
    You are doing just fine darling!

  4. No worries, Jess. A few weeks before my wedding, my sister in law tried on her wedding dress again just to see if she could fit. She had had a baby six months before. Her wedding dress was almost BIG on her and we're the same size.


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