
Saturday, July 2, 2011

The Bug Analogy

How often have we been in the car and found a bug ramming itself into the window trying to get out? Some people squish the bug (that's not very nice, unless it is a mosquito) while others roll down the window to try and help the poor bug. But usually, what does the silly bug end up doing? It scoots down the window as you roll it down, continually running into the glass.

Sometimes we watch the people in our lives struggle like that little bug. The solution seems so simple to us, just fly out the window... but to them, it must be more complicated. It is difficult to stand by and watch as people we love beat their heads against the glass.

Another thing that can happen is when you roll down the window to let the bug out, the wind is so great that the bug isn't ready for it and it gets thrown to the back of the car simply to restart the journey back to the open window - usually ramming its head against every window between there and the one that is actually open.

This is another difficult thing to witness. We watch as the answer hits our loved ones square in the face and they don't want to accept it so it throws them back to the beginning (or somewhere there abouts). They start again with all the ideas that don't work, ones they've tried and know don't work but are familiar enough that they'll stick with it - just to be safe.

If the bug doesn't get out of the car when the opportunity is there (the window is down or the door is open), then the bug will roast - burn up from the heat and die.

We often watch as those we love don't take the opportunity while it is there and end up giving up - they either don't see the opportunity or don't want to and in the end, they roast.

I have a few people in my life right now that I am thinking of as I write this... but it is almost 3am so how much sense can I truly make anyway...?

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