
Monday, May 23, 2011

O My Soul Hungered

This may sound blasphemous, but my soul really was hungry! I needed good food... and Eric gave me the perfect excuse. 

Call us nerds if you want, but I have become SUPER ADD since I got pregnant - so one thing that Eric and I enjoy doing together is watching Starcraft 2 matches. They are short and we usually find pretty intense games. (It's a national sport over in Korea so technically you could call Americans nerds for watching football, soccer, or baseball...) Over the past month or so we have been watching the TSL 3 which is a tournament that had some pretty sweet players in it. To make things more interesting, Eric and I filled out brackets. :D  Eric said that the winner would get to pick where we went out for dinner.  What he didn't tell me was that he knew where I wanted to go and he had planned to say the same place if he won, simply to keep me happy... silly boy. At first I had the better predictions but then he started to pull ahead. Eventually we stopped keeping track because he revealed that he had chosen the same restaurant as me.

So on Saturday we had our date night. We went out to the Thai Kitchen. mmmmmmmmmmmm I didn't realize how much my soul desired Yellow Curry till I put the first bite in my mouth - HEAVEN! The worst feeling was when I started to fill up because I wanted to keep eating.  Luckily we didn't have some crazy physical activity planned for after dinner - we simply went to a movie and relaxed.

Then, on Sunday I had great food again! Eric has been wanting to try and make a soup, so one day while I was blog surfing, I came across a recipe for Tomato Basil Soup. We decided to make it for dinner and I swear it tasted like we picked it up at Zupas. SO good! Eric and I are officially the best cooking duo ever! A funny story about the soup ... we tasted it and felt it needed something. So I looked at my spices and chose Oregano and Celery Salt. Eric gave me a look, but I threw them in anyway and it totally worked! The funny thing? I had never cooked with nor tasted Celery Salt... :S But hey, all turned out well.

My soul is satisfied for now ...

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