
Saturday, May 21, 2011

Gardens and Showers

So, today I had lots of help from my favorite brother, Thomas and his best friend Wilson. I needed to cart dirt around from the back (by the garden) to fill in where the cats had been pooping. They had stayed away for a few weeks since I put oranges in the pit so theoretically they now know the area is off limits. *crosses fingers* They also helped me put up netting around the strawberry plants and weed whacked around the cracks in the patio. It looks awesome! I wanted to show you pictures!

Here is that nasty pit all filled in with flowers!

 There are flowers back by the mail box too, they are just harder to see
 Beyond the strawberries is a large hole... it looks like we were digging a grave.
Hopefully the landlord doesn't come by and freak out.
 In this picture we have 3 grape tomato plants, 2 jalapenos, 1 bell pepper, 
1 zucchini, and 1 cantaloupe.
This is a picture of our first strawberry!!!

These are some pictures from the Utah Baby Shower
 These are the cupcakes that some participants decorated attempting to match my cravings. Blech!
 My 2 cousins and I. The first, Teresa just had her baby girl named Aspen, 
Rachel is due June 14th (ish) and I am due to be induced around July 7th.
 These are 2 of my best friends from growing up - Erika and Erica. Somewhere, I have a 
picture of us from 5th grade on "twin day" ... I changed my name to Ericka for the day. :D
 Me, Kimberly, and Stephanie!!!
Not sure why Anna wouldn't smile.

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