
Saturday, May 28, 2011

Free Fixes

There are 2 things about my home that needed fixing (ok, more than 2, but I can only do a few at a time... :D ). I wanted to make them free fixes... I thought I'd show you my crazy ideas because I am actually pretty proud of them.

The first fix was my stack of Ensign Magazines. Everytime I rearrange or clean I simply move the pile to a new place where it continues to look ugly and it is hard to sort through when I want a specific issue. I looked into magazine holders and I found a few but they were between $3 and $9 for 1! I knew I would need at least 3... So I wandered around my house looking at things. Finally, my eyes rested on our large cereal boxes. Yes, I said cereal boxes. CRAZY, I know, but let me tell you, they were PERFECT! I cut them down and covered them with paper. Unless someone pulls them out to get an Ensign Magazine, they will never be able to tell they are actually cereal boxes.

My other fix dealt with my couch. We have an ugly couch. Don't get me wrong, we are grateful for our couch - it was free... but it is ugly. This isn't a great picture, but you can see how the back cushions are slouchy and there are 3 large throw pillows. When Eric and I sit on the couch to watch a movie, the big back pillows usually end up on the floor and the 3 pillows are placed along the back on the side where we are sitting - leaving the other side of the couch bare. Well, I had an idea. Why not take those ugly back cushions and cut them into smaller pillows. The 3 that we already have cover most of the back of the couch so we'd only need like 2 more... So today I started cutting and stitching. (I have no idea what these things are stuffed with, but it is some kind of weird nasty stuff... no wonder they slouch so bad!) We now have sitting room on our couch and I am very pleased with it.

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