
Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Wanting a Bath

I went to the doctor last week and learned I have yet another infection (those seem to be common with me now that I'm pregnant). Ever since I started taking my antibiotic I haven't felt so good... I am blaming the antibiotic.

Today, all I wanted was to take a bath. The problem? We don't have a bath. We have a tiny corner shower - the kind that fits one person (2 if the second person is small, though they don't actually get to stand in the water...). Slightly discouraged I decided to at least stand in the warm water stream.

Throughout the shower I started thinking... I'm going to have a child soon and since our sinks are roughly the size of the pipes under them, he'll need to be able to be bathed in the shower. But how? So I started wondering about plugging the shower. I looked at our drain and it's one of those ones that has a million holes the size of my pinky. Hmm, can't just stick a bottle in the drain. Then I thought about rags. Once they absorb water, it takes longer for the water to leak through - so I grabbed 3 rags and laid them one on top of the other and placed them over the drain and then placed me on top of them. Voila - instant though not as efficient as an actual plug.

But then I ran into another problem - by the time the water falls as far as it has to to collect at the bottom it is cold. The rags aren't terribly efficient so it takes longer than it should to fill up and obviously drains faster than I would like. Bummer... by this time my water heater ran out (it has about at 15 minute life span and takes just about all day to get back up to that 15 minutes).

I have plans to try and use boiling water from the stove in conjunction with the water from the shower... but that won't work so well for a baby, just for a mommy who is desperate enough to go through the effort.

I thought about using a bunch of pens to plug the shower, but one time my roommate flushed a pen down the toilet and we had serious problems... I don't want to risk that. Plus, pens would probably poke me - and the baby.

Realize I can only fit about 10 inches worth of water in the shower anyway... so I'm not expecting fantastic results, just results.

Does anyone know if they make plugs for the multi-holed drains? Or does anyone have a great idea for a MacGyver plug??? I am seriously asking here - any suggestion is a great one. I'll try it and tell you if it works!


  1. Hey Jessie. I'll get in contact with the people who lived there before us (they had their son there from the time he was a newborn until he was like 2) and see what she did. I think she used the kitchen, but I'm not sure. I'll check though!

  2. there are drain covers you can get. I would guess they would be big enough. We have one for our tub, because the drain grosses me out and it makes me feel better that it's covered. You can come take a look and see if that would work too. They do have baby tubs out there for not too much too. We used that for johnny for a long time because, once again, the tub grossed me out.

  3. Use the sponge bath that you got at the shower from your friend. you could still get a drain cover, but you could use the sponge too. Try it out...

  4. We could give you one that should work... we don't really use it but it's basically just a big plastic circle. Let me know if you want it! Matt will be down in your area on the 27th to go with Nate and Drew for the weekend for some brother time. If nothing else I'll have him pass it off to Drew if he can't meet up with you while he's there!


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