
Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Ugly Word "Diet"

Ok, so Eric has decided to start running again to "get back into shape" - definitely a worthwhile cause that no one can look down on. But... he has also decided to go on a "diet."  *shudder* That is such an ugly word. It is the word Die with a t added on the end solely for decorative purposes.

I would like to point out that he does not find himself fat - he just wishes to be healthy. As you can see in this picture, he is not fat.

At first him going on a "diet" bugged me because to be honest, it made me feel like a cow. It is not a rare sight to find me sitting on the couch eating brownies and ice cream... blah.

However, this ceased to bug me as I now use the "I'm Pregnant" excuse that I use for virtually anything. Now, it bugs me for a new reason... Who am I going to cook sweets and fattening meals for? Those are my 2 favorite things to cook!!! I can't very well cook them and eat them myself or cook them and make him feel guilty for not eating it...

So, I am branching out. It is time for me to make more healthy meals. (don't get me wrong ... I don't feed him grease all the time - just about once a week I really cook something in butter or oil) I intend to swap canola oil for olive oil. (that's my first step...aren't you proud?)

Since most of the meals I make are fairly healthy - we love salads - what I am really searching for is sweets that are healthy... I know, do they even exist??? I feel that it is worth the search.

If you know of any healthy food substitutes, or sweets that are "healthy" I would LOVE the feedback!

1 comment:

  1. Fruits. Start looking up fruits that you like: pomegranate (which is NOT spelled "palmagrannette"), strawberries, pears, etc...

    Buy Splenda instead of regular sugar. You still have to count the carbs when you're putting a lot in something (e.g. cookies), but a tsp or two on fruit would be practically nothing.

    Yogurt (I suggest Activia plain low-fat/no-fat yogurt) is also a good one. I LOVE Activia with frozen raspberries. The yogurt freezes to the raspberries and makes this awesome little treat.

    I also really like pineapple and low-fat cottage cheese. It doesn't exactly solve sugar cravings, but it's a good high-protein snack.

    I just found a site that you might like. I like it's suggestions.


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