
Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Why Do I Even Own a Hair Brush?

So, I have had some pretty terrible headaches for the past while. They have managed to remove several of my daily routines (thanks pregnancy...). Things such as plucking my eyebrows or brushing my hair have completely gone out the window.  I also have been losing a ton of hair! It's falling out by the bucket loads. The other day, Eric hinted that perhaps it was because I had not brushed my hair recently. (He's seen how much hair is in the brush when I'm done) As I started thinking I realized that I had simply been letting my hair dry and sticking it up in a messy bun for the better part of a week and a half! Why do I even own a brush??? I thought about how much I missed Eric playing with my hair and how much he probably missed it too ....

That's why I decided yesterday to brush my hair. I showered and put in plenty of conditioner. Then I let it dry most of the way before attempting to brush it. OUCH! Geez... I lost a ton of hair. Of course, I figured since I'm already playing massochist I might as well pluck my eyebrows. Don't worry, I gave up on that idea pretty quick.

Feeling proud of myself, I blow-dried my hair, did my make up and promptly went back to bed. The problem??? I was still losing a ton of hair. It was still falling out. Brushing it did me no good.

Now, I am concerned that I am going to go bald - yes, bald. My father is going bald so why can't I? This is what inspired me to look at wigs. I mean, how convenient! I don't ever have to do my hair again. As long as I teach my children to never pull Mommy's hair, I'm set for life!  I have posted a few below for your enjoyment. These are a few of my favorites.

The first one is my all time favorite...

If a little girl like this needs a wig, then I will most definitely need one soon!


  1. cute blog!!! I saw you had one from Aubrey's conversation.. showed up in my home page today..!

    so have you been able to figure out why the all of a sudden hair loss?

  2. Janey,
    The hair loss is because the baby is going to suck whatever nutrients it needs from me and then I suffer if I don't have enough. It's why I have worse eye sight (Vitamin A), why my memory is worse (Omega 3), why I am fatigued (Vitamin B6 and B12), and why my hair is falling out. I can't take prenatals because I throw them up so I take gummy bear vitamins and they probably don't have the large amounts of vitamins I need.


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