Monday, February 15, 2016

Valentine's Celebration!

You know us, we're all about spreading out our celebrating, and what better holiday to lengthen than Valentine's Day?!? This is honestly, one of my all time favorite holidays. It isn't like I don't take time to let Eric know I love him during the rest of the year ... it's just that I have that excuse to spend just a little extra!

This year, Eric and I got up a bit earlier than the rest of the kids. I presented Eric with his gifts: hot chocolate mix, hazelnut syrup for his hot chocolate, and the expansion for Roll for the Galaxy ... and he gave me mine: dove chocolates with the promise to maintain a chocolate stash in the house, and a necklace. I loved the idea of the chocolate stash and found the necklace pretty, but Eric went on to explain why he selected this particular necklace. 

When he saw the necklace, the pink reminded him of our first Valentine's Day - the day he asked my dad if he could marry me! I had planned our evening (it was Saturday, the 13th) since Eric planned the next evening (Valentine's Day). He got back from talking to my dad just in time for me to knock on his door (early) and pick him up for our date. Eric told me that he remembered opening the door and saying he had to, "grab something," from his room, but really, he had to regain his composure. He thought I was so gorgeous and he needed a moment to calm his heart! That day, I wore a pink shirt... After that story, I decided I love that necklace more than anything else in our home!

The children woke not much later. We had gotten them tablets for the holiday but they weren't going to arrive for a few days, but we did have chocolate for them! Everyone deserves chocolate on Valentine's Day!
 I cannot believe how much fun the kids had popping all of the pieces out for our expansion - seriously, I should market this! They were so calm and happy! At first, the pieces were flying as they poked them out, but on their own, both kids learned to keep a finger behind the punch out to prevent them from going every where. It's moments like that where I watch and wonder when my helpless babies turned into free-thinking children...?!?
 Breakfast was creamed eggs on toast! The rest of the day, we simply spent having fun reading books and playing games!
  Eric's parents called that evening and asked if we wanted to go on a date - she said she'd take the kids (tonight) if we wanted to go out... Of course we want to go out!
 Eric headed for work the next morning and the kids got busy finishing their Valentines for Gramma and Grampa! (yes, we tried using a toilet paper roll to make heart stamps. no, it did not work ... thanks a lot, internet...) 
 One of my favorite things right now is hearing Audrey say, "pretty please." She rarely says "please" all by itself anymore, and its adorable!
For our date, we went to Oswego Grill in Wilsonville and then toured the area Eric spent his high school years - we enjoyed walking around Atfalati Park and talking. So peaceful!
Here's to another great Valentine's Day! I'm so grateful that 6 years ago, Eric took the time to go chat with my dad and announce to him his plan to become a part of the Wilkinson family.
I can't imagine life without him!

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