
Monday, December 14, 2015

Eric's Fake Birthday

The other day, Eric's buddies at work told him he didn't really have a birthday...
"Well, yes I did. My wife took me to the Dave Matthew's Band Concert."
"But you didn't have a Dota Party - so it doesn't count. We need to make sure we truly celebrate your birthday!"
... they know they can get me to throw whatever party they want ...
I decided to be silly and decorate as though it was a real party, not a fake one - it definitely made Eric smile.
I hung this sign on the door to give him a hint as he walked in:
I created these and hung them on balloons. I used phrases the characters in the pictures say in the game. Pretty silly, but I had fun - and Eric got a kick out of it. That's what matters.
 I made shortbread cookies with the Dota 2 logo in almond icing as a snack. 
 The boys played till late and had a blast. A fake birthday success!

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