
Sunday, December 13, 2015

A New Low

Back in February, Eric, wanting to lose weight went to see a doctor. He weighed in at 227.8. That is about 45 lbs higher than he was when we got married. The doctor had Eric keep a log and they met again. The doctor saw that Eric was not eating breakfast, was eating poorly at work, and would have a snack before bed. Oops. While at his Zach's wedding in March, his very candid friend pointed out that he had an ever growing belly. And so, Eric decided it was time to really start trying to lose some weight.

We introduced the exercise bike in our bedroom - but exercise isn't fun, really. And unless you dedicate a ton of time to it, isn't as effective as a well balanced diet in losing weight - it more makes up for when you have a soda and candy bar during the day. 

We immediately added breakfast to our routine. This helped Eric lose 10 lbs in the first 2 months. But then he stabilized. He wasn't gaining but he also wasn't losing... So we knew we needed to make a few drastic changes. We stopped buying ice cream and bacon. We switched our uncooked flour tortillas for spinach wraps and hershey's syrup no longer has a place in our fridge. Sour Cream doesn't enter our home and at work Eric has a protein shake, a handful of nuts, and veggies during the day. (That's it - that's all the changes we made. It may not sound drastic to you, but our bacon and flour tortillas are sorely missed...)

Well my friends, it has been worth it! Today, Eric weighed in at ... drum roll please ...
199.8! He hasn't weighed that little since we lived in Utah!
That's 28 lbs down and 14 lbs to go until he reaches the weight he desires! 2/3 of the way there.

Eric, I'm so proud of you! This has taken a lot of dedication and control as you are surrounded by unhealthy food at work and when you have some, you get on the bike in the evening to make up for it. Way to go! We're almost there. I love seeing you play with the kids on the floor more as you have more energy! I love that you are able to wear pants and shirts that you haven't been able to wear since before we moved to Oregon. I love when you hand me an article of clothing to put away as it is now too big and ought not be in your closet! You are amazing!

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