
Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Good Things Utah

The Dating Divas were invited to be featured on Good Things Utah - a Utah TV show.
Since I was in town, they asked me to do the feature!
I had so much fun and loved having a morning out with Eric!

I created a display ahead of time to use for the show - I featured our Love Calendar, the Spouse Christmas Countdown (we didn't have time to talk about it on the show) and the Sexy Stocking.
 It snowed like crazy so it was a slow drive, but we still got there early! Baymax was in our personal waiting room! 
 I'm so glad Eric came in the studio with me rather than wait and watch it on the television in our waiting room. It was fun to look up and see him walking around, filming, and taking pictures. He's so wonderful at supporting me! 
My dad found a way to grab the video off the website and sent it to me! Thanks, Dad!
This second video is what Eric filmed walking behind the cameras and getting different angles.

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