
Thursday, December 24, 2015

Christmas Eve with Santa

I love Christmas Eve with kids - seriously. It's the best.
 At my parents' home, Santa comes to visit on Christmas Eve! The kids were ecstatic!
 Aaron made sure to give Santa the low-down on who everyone is, how old he is, etc. Pretty cute.
We, of course, invited Santa to come in and read Santa Mouse and the Ratdeer! 
 My kids adore this book!
 Then each kid sat on Santa's lap
As Santa was leaving, the kids raced to the backyard to see if they could view him flying away.
Melissa said she saw him and Aaron quickly agreed (we're unsure if he was following along or if he saw a spec in the sky). Audrey however, could not see him and was devastated. She's been searching out the window ever since wanting to see her beloved reindeer.
 Now the kids are off to bed and the rest of us are going to wrap all of the gifts! Here we go!

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