
Thursday, November 26, 2015

Thanksgiving 2015

Thanksgiving this year was going to just be our family and Jon's family with Eric's parents, but it turned out to be so much more than that! Everyone came! It was so much fun!

 This year, we got to play games! The kids are getting old enough that they go off and play on their own, so the adults got to settle in and play. Yahoo!
 Here's all the kiddos! The adults were at the other table. Eric's mom always does a great job decorating! This year, they covered the turkey in bacon - I know, right?!? So moist, so good :)
 Turns out, this little lady loves mashed potatoes!
 And, as you can imagine, these two enjoy pie and jam!
 I love watching the kids play! 
 We stayed quite late ... causing Audrey to crash.
We stayed late because ...
WE PLAYED ANOTHER GAME, several rounds in fact! LOVE IT!
So grateful to be a part of such an amazing family!

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