
Friday, October 2, 2015

Wake Me Up, When September Ends...

I'm so Glad I Live in a World Where There Are Octobers 
                                                 - Anne of Green Gables

Can you believe September is already over?
Me neither... August took forever - yet September seemed to fly by!

Sometimes, we just have to remember the fun times and pretend we're in the pool ... and pretend it's warm...
 We were babysitting and the kiddo we were watching was not happy to be here ... but Aaron and Audrey made it their mission to help him be happy! And it worked!
 Aaron loves to request I take his picture while he's running, lol
 We spent sacrament meeting in the foyer last week (it's easier that way sometimes) and as parents had to take their kids out, a party formed around our quiet book!
We let the kids walk part of the way home from church and they absolutely loved it! Yay for sunshine!  
 It's amazing how truly fascinating the baby toys are...
 When Audrey goes to bed, she'll spot certain things (pillow, blanket, sippy cup, baby dolls, an alphabet toy from Eric's mom, etc.) that must make it into her bed with her... So why is she sleeping atop her bear? Because she gave all of her "necessities" to Adelynn.
 Do you see her hair?!? It was like that in the evening, she went to bed, and woke up with it still sticking up!
 They were both looking out the window - then Aaron raced outside to be what Audrey saw :)
 Some days, I let them have quiet time together - and it's working out beautifully!
If you see the image of Aaron lying on the couch arm - that's what happened when his friend, Daniel (and his brother, Caleb) first arrived. Daniel was not pleased to have to leave his mom. But Aaron persisted, cheered up his friend, and all of them went on to have a great time!
 These two love to color - Audrey asks almost daily for me to get the crayons down for her!
 I'd just like to zoom in on the picture she's coloring. Haha!
I don't always document date night - but we had fun stopping to get dinner before going to the temple! 
 This last one melts my heart - she adores playing with our faces and reaching for us... and I love it!
Happy October!

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