
Saturday, October 3, 2015

My Craftroom

Eric has expressed a desire to have my craftroom be a haven for me. 
A place where I can escape and focus.
He's gone to great lengths to help me achieve this - he's hung curtain rods for ribbon, taken me on dates to buy organizational materials, attached shelves, acquired beautiful desks, hooked up my computer equipment ... the list could continue on and on and on! I owe him so much! It's thanks to him that I have the room that I have today - that I love!

Recently, the kids have taken over my craftroom. Adelynn slept in here for a few months, Audrey loves to pull things off of every shelf she can reach, and Aaron meanders around as well...

So today, I took it back! I wanted to come up with a better solution for organizing my thread. It previously was all housed in my great-grandmother's jewelry case (which now holds other odds & ends).
What do you think?
Not bad, huh? I used some cardboard 90 degree pieces for the shelves and then some fun containers that were previously taking up desk space (that detach easily from the wall). Gotta love free fixes!
Here's how it fits in with the rest of the room:
I seriously love this room! Thank you, Eric!

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