
Thursday, October 29, 2015

Precoa Halloween

I love Halloween, I absolutely love it!
However, trick-or-treating with kids is difficult in the cold, so we don't go out ... and no one trick-or-treats to our home, so I don't decorate our yard ... and usually we host a party, but most people already had plans this year, so we didn't ... BUT, luckily there is trick-or-treating at Precoa to motivate me to do costumes! As always, we are family themed and this year it was my turn to choose, so we were ... The Incredibles!
As always, I found items from the thrifstore and went from there. Not bad, huh?
It is important to note that Audrey was not Violet. She had to be Dash, just like Aaron. 
**As we walked around, Eric would say, "I wasn't sure about the costume theme, but when Jessie put her costume on I said, "I will do anything that you want!" LOL - he sure knows how to make me feel good!
I need to get something to make my camera look more interesting ...
 I was worried Audrey would be shy, but when candy is on the line, she'll do anything! She wandered into people's offices and would strike up a conversation with a stranger as she searched their desk for candy :)


  Adelynn fell asleep right away and stayed that way for the whole time, haha. Love it!
 After we toured all of Precoa, we retreated to Eric's office to enjoy caramel apples!
 Thanks, Precoa!

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