
Friday, October 30, 2015

Grocery Store Suckers

I wasn't having the worst day of my life, but after driving over an hour to pick up a table that wasn't big enough, getting lost, and then my phone falling out of my bag into a puddle in the grocery store parking lot, it certainly wasn't the best day either. The kids were, surprisingly, behaving as we walked through the fruits and vegetables; Aaron calling out items from his imaginary list and saying, "check" each time one ended up in the cart. A store worker saw us and asked if my kids wanted lollipops as he unpacked the bulk section. Not wanting to buy candy, I politely declined and we pressed on. He knew I misunderstood his intentions, and after grabbing two sucker's, chased me down to ask if he could offer them to my kids. The kids were ecstatic and I was grateful for a ray of sunshine through the rain.

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